Former governor of SP, Claudio Lembo, denounces mediatic coup d’état


Former governor of SP, Claudio Lembo, denounces mediatic coup d’état

According to Para Claudio Lembo, the Ministério Público (Prosecution Service) has become an ‘absolutist king’ in Brazil

By Álvaro de Campos, in Estado de São Paulo. 

18 March 2016 | 15:37 – Updated: 18 March 2016 | 15:37

According to the former governor of São Paulo, the Judiciary has taken on ‘messianic aspects, particularly in Paraná,’ the state where Judge Sérgio Moro is based.

São Paulo – The former governor of São Paulo, Cláudio Lembo (PSD), commented this afternoon, in an event held by Carta Capital magazine, that the Ministério Público (Prosecution Service – MP) had become an “absolutist king” in Brazil, which does what it wants and does not answer for its acts. “Louis XIV was less than a public prosecutor in Brazil,” he said.

According to him, the Judicial power has adopted “messianic aspects, especially in Paraná,” the state where Judge Sérgio Moro is based, who is responsible for the progress of Operation Lava Jato in the lower courts. He says that Brazil appears to be living the short story O Alienista (The Alienist) by Machado de Assis. “One day it will be noticed that the madman is not us. You cannot arrest everyone, you cannot use prisão preventiva (internment) as it is being used in Brazil. Not even the military did that,” he criticized.

According to the former governor, the current situation of Brazil is more serious that in 1964, the year of the military coup. “At that time you could fight directly with the military, nowadays things are done in the name of legality.”

Lembo also criticized the release of the dialogues between President Dilma Rousseff and former President Lula, intercepted by the Federal Police. According to him, the conversation should have been given to the Federal Supreme Court (STF), due to the privileged forum of Dilma. “Handing over these recordings to a television channel is a coup, a mediatic coup.”

According to Lembo, one of Lula’s errors was to think that he had been accepted in the casa grande (the mansion) after leaving the senzala (slave quarters. “No one is accepted into the casa grande if they do not belong to the right social group. The large construction companies are brilliantly involved and Lula was involved. But it was not friendship, it was egotistical interest, and resulted in what resulted,” he stated.

The former governor also said that the current moment repeats what the Brazilian oligarchy has been doing for 400 years, which is taking power in all possible forms. “Citizenship is a mere fiction in Brazil. Nothing is worse that the Brazilian oligarchy and especially the São Paulo one. It is incredible that the São Paulo oligarchy does not want any sort of social progress. The Paulista bourgeoisie has a craving to kill,” he commented in reference to the movements to take Dilma from power.


Miguel do Rosário: Miguel do Rosário é jornalista e editor do blog O Cafezinho. Nasceu em 1975, no Rio de Janeiro, onde vive e trabalha até hoje.
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