Daily Contextual Analysis: The Dark Night

By Miguel do Rosário

The coup has inspired very sinister projections for the near future, especially the increase in the level of state coercion, the reduction of liberties, and the deepening of the process of criminalization of political activities.
Nevertheless, these things will only be politically useful to the coup if the corporate media assumes an even greater hegemony than it currently possesses, and is able to control the narrative of all the facts.

On Mayday, once again Brazilian communities from around the world protested against the coup. The change in the mood of public opinion continues, so much so that the coup will have to invent an even greater number of factoids from here on to maintain the golpista temperature elevated.

It is exactly for this that Lava Jato (Operation Car Wash) serves, and the task force has understood its role until now.

In the Senate, the impeachment commission heard today jurists in favor of the coup, which once again provoked great embarrassment for those who watched them. The interviewees practically admitted that there is no crime of responsibility in the impeachment request and for this reason they sought to give it a purely political basis of support.

So embarrassing was it that the golpistas disseminated on the social networks the rumor that President Dilma was going to resign and provoke new elections.

This information is groundless. The president has already demonstrated that she is decided: she will bet on the struggle, on every battlefield, even knowing that on various fronts the chances of victory are practically null.

For this reason, in order to fight, Dilma cannot resign, but rather keep herself at the front of an increasing popular rising against the coup and for legality.

The dark night which will fall on the country will perhaps last some long years, perhaps it will be quick, but it will lead to the creation of new strategies to defend liberty and democracy.

Those who resist and survive the season of political persecutions, economic asphyxiation, and assassination of reputations, which will follow the consummation of the coup will, however, be prepared to lead the country back to times of respect for democracy and to constitutional guarantees, especially the greatest guarantee of all: respect for the sovereignty of the popular vote.

Miguel do Rosário: Miguel do Rosário é jornalista e editor do blog O Cafezinho. Nasceu em 1975, no Rio de Janeiro, onde vive e trabalha até hoje.
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